Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is John Leonard Flipping All of Us Off?

Five minutes ago my phone rang. A reader that wishes to remain anonymous directed me to the ASCA homepage ( What I found seemed like a practical joke. Posted on 2/1/2012 was a "Workout Wednesday" from Bryan Woodward, the (former) head coach of the Gator Swim Club who was arrested more than three weeks ago in a sting operation against child predators.

So it begs the question, is John Leonard just giving us all the finger? After all, this is the same guy who has proudly displayed Paul Bergen and Mitch Ivey in a photo album on the same site. He seems to celebrate defiantly the coaching careers of men who have come into disrepute as of late. I don't know why Leonard continues to keep those coaches in the album. If I had to guess, it would be because he doesn't believe the charges that have been leveled against them. He probably believes he has enough gray area to celebrate Bergen and Ivey. I certainly don't.

In Woodward's case, Leonard either has to be totally ignorant of what has happened with Woodward, or totally defiant. I'm not sure which is worse. Woodward's arrest was well publicized, and if the leader of the biggest swim coaches organization in the country didn't know about it, that is a serious problem. If he knew and decided to go ahead with it anyway, that's a bigger problem. 

In order for swimming to get better, we need a massive change in our culture surrounding abuse. That's extremely hard when the power players, John Leonard as exhibit A, don't seem to understand or even recognize the problem. Leonard had no problem getting on his high horse to save us all from "the suits". He had no problem railing on FINA for not involving "coaches" (him or his friends) vote in FINA. But when it came to children being abused by their coaches, Leonard has been totally silent. What kind of leadership is that? Worse yet, Leonard seems to act with impunity from USA Swimming, who despite whatever they say, have a mutually lucrative partnership surrounding coach certification with ASCA that they aren't willing to put before this issue. 

As if the workout wasn't offensive enough, it's accompanied by a photo of children with American flags that indicates to me this was some sort of 9/11 tribute (9x1100 is the set). I'm sure that in some way Leonard believes that putting kids through what is an absolutely terrible swim practice is a fitting tribute to all those affected by the worst day in recent American history. Could he be more out of touch?


  1. Haha, i saw it and had that old, "this name sounds familiar" feeling. Couldn't place it. And yes, as a coach that would put me to sleep jst watching it. Can't imagine swimming it.

  2. Wow. Disturbing on many different levels.

  3. The tone-deafness of this organization is ridiculous

  4. Well it appears to have come down in the last 5 minutes...

  5. So because he's a predator means he can't write a good workout? Yes he's disgraceful, yes he should be banned from coaching - but I don't believe that you need to throw out all the workouts he may have written.

    A written workout isn't a predator.

    1. Is this a serious post?!?!^^^^^a

    2. HELLO????? He shouldn't be in the sport. Are you THAT stupid?

  6. There are way too many responses to post... but the subject matter is a bit too serious to go too light on it. I'll agree with Corey that it has to be one of the most boring sets I've ever seen. Set me back 30 years just reading it.

  7. Being a child predator doesn't mean you can't write a good workout. But this a stone age, terrible workout and in poor taste to boot.

  8. Impossible for Adolf Leonard to not know! His own SON is an Assistant Coach at Gator Swim Club! Time for a change people, this is the ultimate in your face from OUR coaches association!

  9. Seriously anonymous? The creep got in trouble just a few weeks ago. ASCA is in poor taste posting a workout by him at this time.

  10. Yep - I believe he is "flipping us all off". John and USA Swimming are probably THRILLED that usswimnscandal website is suspended and now they can continue to do what they do best: ignore the membership and promote unethical people!

  11. Yes, Mr. Leonard is out of line here, no doubt at all.
    Yes Mr. Woodward should never coach again if the allegations are true, no question at all.
    However, Chris is wrong to tie Mr. Woodwards poor character and Mr. Leonards poor judgement to a type of workout. I have no doubt that some of the top coaches in the country, who in the real world produce medals at the major international meets, write practices like this.
    Lets not blur the lines between having a stance on child protection (which is the right one Chris) and coaching philosophy. If you want to comment on that may I suggest you but it under a different article whete you can make a factualy based argument on why you feel these sets are not beneficial.

  12. how can you say that a workout, 9x1100, the last of which in BUTTERFLY, and then having the BALLS to boast about it with the link to a tragic event such as 9/11 is in any way a good thing! Philosophy or not this is a vulgar display and I as a swimmer, parent or fellow coach should be outraged!

  13. What is wrong with doing an 1100 butterfly?

  14. where would you like to start? first have you ever done one? If so, are you above the age of 30 yet? and if so have you had your shoulders repaired yet? I had a coach who had this belief....where was he when I had a $75,000 repair of my labrum?

  15. Anon at 2:15 PM, is back! In fact, they posted an article on Leonard today.

  16. ,.|.. ..|.,

    I think it might be a double...

    or maybe Dane Cook style?


    ..He kind of looks like Darth Vader when he takes the helmet off. You know, if he had a near life-ending battle with FINA that left him nearly dead only to be reanimated with most of his body replaced with that of a robot.. I'd comment on his dental work too, but that would be rude...

    1. You're the Head Coach of a kids swim club?

      Please be aware that when you JOKE about someones appearance, they may laugh out loud with you, but inside they are hurting. Everyday people deal with their perceived imperfections and do not need others to make fun of them.

    2. Yes, yes I am. And I wrote my post expecting you to chime in.. Premature balding, poor hearing, among other things.. The thing is anonymous, you don't know me and you don't know anything about me. Do you think it's a coincidence that I chose the leader of an evil empire to compare John Leonard?

      Were you in the coaches meeting at the USA convention in Dallas when we were dealing with the biggest pieces of child protection legislation this sport has ever seen and all he could talk about was suits, representation and solidarity against FINA?

      And as far as I'm concerned, if you haven't got the gonads to sign your name to what your writing than why should one even bother responding to your comment or taking you seriously as a contributor to the conversation? Come to think of it, why did I? Geez, I'm an idiot..

      Chris, I agree 100% with your post.

    3. Just think of me as the voice of the souls who are tortured on a daily basis because of their personal appearance.

      If people would think twice before "joking" about others, the world would be a better place for everyone.

    4. wow, that's a bit intense. Given how consistently you post, I hope there is never a moment of hypocrisy in your life, I'm afraid you might explode..

      Oh and Anon, never, ever watch Tosh.0

    5. So Angry - be nice - Have a good evening!

  17. To respond to the anon who says I shouldn't have criticized that workout: I understand that there may be elite coaches who think that is a good workout. I think that is very sad. If you can be really successful coaching in our sport that way it doesn't say much for the rest of us (me included). I also think that judging coaches by how fast their swimmers are is pretty false logic. I coach much faster swimmers at GT then my high school coaches- that doesn't mean I'm better than them.

  18. This is the original Anon that posted about the workout. Chris, I agree that the workout is pretty terrible - but, at least as far as I read it, your post was not criticizing the workout - you were criticizing the fact that Leonard posted a workout written by Woodward. You weren't upset that he posted a bad workout, you were upset he posted something Woodward wrote.

    I may have misinterpreted your post, but that's how I read it.

  19. some of the people who write posts disagreeing with Chris on this are tee-total fricking idiots. Who gives a rip about the workout? That Woodward weirdo drove to Tampa to meet what he thought was an underage girl-- HE IS A CHILD MOLESTER, you weirdos. He was CAUGHT- his comments about being turned on by young girls was PUBLISHED. Im with DeSantis on this one, all the way. Im not as familiar with this Leonard dude, but what a freak.

  20. ASCA is so predictable.

    I see ....coming soon

    "Out of Business Sale
    ....all certificates 50% off."

    "Wednesday Workout canceled as no guest coach was fool enough to walk the same steps as a child molester."
