Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Dr Noakes, Spreading the Word on LCHF

Viking has made it pretty clear he is a Dr Noakes groupie over the course of writing the Manifesto and beyond.  I stumbled across a couple of videos of his that I thought were worth sharing with anyone who checks in at the Brief because they are considering the low-carb/high-fat lifestyle.  I had to at least make a few people pay attention, right?

Take a look and let me know what you think...  It was nice that he mentioned Cameron VanDerBurgh.  Now I am waiting for a world class distance swimmer to admit they do this, you know, because us breaststrokers are freaks and whatnot.



  1. Any idea how many grams of carbs he's targeting/ when he's eating them? Around 125 to 200? Or lower?

  2. Sorry should clarify. Specially Cameron van der burgh

    1. I would guess 125-200 but not sure. Would like to find out though! A normal day for me is between 40-70g but my training load is way lower. I have been curious whether I would feel the need for more if I had time to actually train.
