Sunday, June 26, 2011

Swim Brief Blogger Contest: Feedback

A traditional week in review wouldn't make sense this week: we were consumed with one thing. At the beginning of the week, we announced a contest to pick a new blogger, or two. We had no idea what to expect as a response. So far we've been pleasantly surprised. Let's rewind and look at what we've got so far and what is yet to come:

First up was Lisa Stephens, who blew up away our comment record with her debut post about being a fan of swimming. She also let us know that we had female lurkers reading the blog. Maybe there is hope for Gus after all.

Next was Reed Shimberg, a frequent commenter on many blogs who gave us some rules for off season swimming. He also included a picture to let us know how well he is keeping in shape this summer. I'm sure his coach, Adam Hoyt, is thrilled.

The third guest blog came from Rebecca Boston. At first I was really excited when I read her e-mail because she had this "Boston" persona and I thought it was because she was actually from Boston. Then I found out she wasn't and I was disappointed. My "spirits" turned up after reading her blog about a creative treatment for swimmer hair.

We may have a couple more submissions coming next week. Which is good because Gus is secluding himself in the woods again. We honestly don't know when he is going to communicate with society again. Our thoughts and prayers are with him.


  1. Great pic of David Wilke. That's a blast from the past for sure!

  2. I thought it was DeSantis when he swam competitively.

  3. If only I had 1/10 of Wilkie's ability
